Hello community,
Are we happy with this new contribution!!!!, Today Juan Fernandez and Leo Pratlong have contributed XMLPortletFactory with a french translation.
Every body knows Juan (@juanferrub) from Liferay, he is a incredibly active member of "everything", some times seems there are more than one Juan. Give us the secret, please.
Today Juan has teamed with Léo Pratlong (@leopratlong) from Montpellier to make us a present. Léo is also a very active community member of
Liferay, you can see many of his contributions to the community, in special francophone translations, following this link:
From here, thank you very much, to both, I think this translation was very needed because visits from France are constantly growing and getting more and more important.
I have not been able to hold my self and there is allready the last version with french included, in sourceforge, get a copy here:
Here you have some screenshots of your contribution:
Saludos, Jack.