Welcome to XMLPortletFactory Home Site

XMLPortletFactory is a software tool that creates database tables maintenance (CRUD) portlets from XML files.  Portlets generated only work on Liferay portals, and come out with source files (JSPs, .java, etc.) so programmers can extend and modify whatever is being generated to suit your software development needs.  In Help and Support section you will find Wikis, Tutorials and samples to get started.

With XMLPortletFactory you will be able to generate full CRUD working portlets with ease, accelerating your development process, allowing you to focus on higher level tasks.

XMLPortletFactory is licensed under the terms of GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3), and is OS Independent.

Note: XMLPortletFactory is still a young project, which ha not passed all possible tests and although is very solid and I use it in production environments, you should use it after appropriate tests.

Some of the most noticeable benefits

  • Frees you of 99% coding time in CRUD table maintenance portlets. You obtain full working portlet with all source code, programmers heaven!!!.
  • No more problems with versions. You make one XML file, generate portlet in all 6.0.x, 6.1.x and 6.2.x versions of Liferay.
  • Forget about creating tables. Because XMLPortletFactory uses Liferay's  service builder, tables are automatically created for you at portlet deployment.
  • Languages English, French, Italian, Finnish and Spanish allready implemented, easy to implement other languajes.
  • Is GPLv3 licensed. The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for software and other kinds of works.
  • Your developed XMLs get the benefits of new XMLPortletFactory developments and improvements. 
  • Generated portlets use Liferay's search container, tags, etc. so they have very "Liferay" behavior, melting very well with themes.


Saludos,  Jack A. Rider

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Insert values into table via API

Hi, I'm Ricardo from Spain.

I'm trying to use the code generated by xmlportletfactory to insert values into the tables in a migration process.

Im using this code with the *LocalServiceUtil generated by the xmlportletfactory:

 2Translations translations = TranslationsLocalServiceUtil.createTranslations(idTranslation);

My question is regarding the id for the table.

There is a way to get the next id I have to use using the API?
Is this the right way to insert values via API?

Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english.

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