One Table, Two Fields one of them required Example



         For our client "goodclient" we are doing a portlet project called "xmlpfexampleC" where we want to create a users table maintenance, where there are two fields one is the "userName" and the other is the "userAge", being the name a required field. Observe that XMLPortletFactory indicates required fields with a "*"


         This is how the portlet will look in the page with Liferays Classic theme.

          This is how the portlet will look in Edit mode.


          This is how the portlet will look after adding a record.

          This is how the portlet will look after trying to add a record and validation rejected it because Email was empty

          Here you have the full XMLPortletFactory xml file.


          And here you have the portlet war generated. (for liferay 6.0.6)


          If you want to use this example you can follow instructions here DOCUMENTATION