Workflow Row Control
Workflows consist of a sequence of steps where are defined a series of tasks to produce a final outcome. Liferay supports workflows from long ago, and its portlet is installed by default.
By integrating XMLPortletFactory with Liferay Workflows we are able to pass an insertion, update or removal of a row through a simple or complex bussines processes to achive a final outcome of success or failure. If you want to broaden your knowledge about how Liferay does it, go to Liferay Portal 6.1 - User Guide / Workflow with Kaleo.
The implementation of workflows on the XML definition file, could not be more simple, just insert a <workflow>true</workflow> tag inside de <classDef> definition. It will automatically will do all the work for you.
When you deploy the portlet, with one or many <applications> containing the <workflow> tag you will see in the workflow definitions area of the control panel that now there are new resources to add workflow definitions.
A simple example will be to add the <workflow> tag to the To-do list example of the wiki, just put the <workflow> inside the classDef tag like this:
Saludos, Jack.