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Liferay Madrid Symposium 2012

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Liferay Madrid Symposium 2012
liferay 6.1 lresp2012 symposium
10/23/12 3:31 PM
Hello everyone,

        Again this year XMLPortletFactory is going to Liferay's Symposium, this is another great opportunity for learning, sharing and networking. The agenda is packed with great sessions and speakers, some very prominent like Jorge Ferrer,  Rodolfo Carpintier and Jesús M. Gonzalez-Barahona. Dont miss it!! 

        I will be participating Thursday, 25, on Track A (Developers) with Juan G. "Quick develpment in Liferay using XMLPortletFactory", will post here al material a week after.

        If you are in the Symposium, please take the opportunity to get in touch, I will be more than happy to get to know you all.

    Saludos, Jack A. Rider.